After flying, layover, college graduation, family time, more flying, running through the airport to make a connection and finally getting on the flight to San Antonio for the annual ACDIS conference, I began to wonder what it is about my drive and thirst for knowledge that supersedes my common sense? I know I am excited about the annual rejuvenation that I get from being around my peers and sharing the up's and down's of our year since last we saw each other. I also find a joy in meeting people new to both the conference and the profession of CDI, who many times remind me that we are always learning and adapting to the fast moving healthcare world which we play in daily. CDI has been my life for the past 10 years, and I continue to enjoy the profession and the work.
If you are not able to be at conference, be sure to listen to the daily radio broadcast.
Aha! Now I understand why I go the miles that don't seem logical to gain the knowledge I know is important to my growth and success in the profession of CDI!