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Reshaping the user design for providers

We enjoy the intuitive way we interact with technology daily, the apps on our phones are presented in an elegant manner that weaves our “clicks” into workflows so seamlessly that we don’t register an intrusion. The methodology behind these apps is known as “Ux Design”, aka User Experience Design. Ux Design focuses on a framework capturing a rich understanding of the user, their organic processes, development of intuitive options and validating success with objective metrics.

A challenge that we observe with our clients is a struggle to categorize and prioritize the demands from physicians into a structured and ROI driven schema for supporting provider efficiency. Particularly, a model which is accountable to a cohort of guiding principles which we know are paramount to successful implementations, “Clear, well-written guiding principles aid teams in making directionally-correct decisions more quickly and with greater autonomy.” 

The Wilshire Group has borrowed from the Ux Design methodology and the need for guiding principles to develop an approach to Provider Efficiency encompassing 4 elements (Behavior, Usability, Strategy and Validation) that coalesce into a holistic program- Px Design (Provider Experience Design).



  • Our Behavior pillar highlights Education and Awareness. We strive to design processes and features that are intuitive(efficient) and succinctly address actual needs(effective). These goals are accomplished by studying provider habits, establishing persistent relationships, identifying needs and constraints, and aligning with existing behaviors.
  • The Strategy pillar is heavily influenced by engaging providers directly. Structured and consistent engagement drives outcomes that favor success via shared expectations and deep insight, true problem recognition and a sense of teamwork and partnership, rather than a transactional interaction. These partnerships and insights are then translated into solutions that solve challenges efficiently and effectively.
  • Usability is about delivering system features, tools and processes that dynamically adapt to Epic’s ever-changing software and evolving healthcare landscape. Epic’s track record reflects a constant evolution of developing efficient toolsets for documenting patient care and empowering the clinician with information to improve decision making. The usability pillar focuses on exploiting these concepts to benefit the provider with cascading gains for the patient.
  • The Validation pillar strives to deliver proven excellence by incorporating measurable KPI’s and metrics to support significant changes in the EMR. Trending compliance is beneficial to all stakeholders, but the value gained from proving that a system change is generating the desired impact is immeasurable (pun). The evidence gained from objectively validating changes leads to an improved provider perception of how well the system is; one, working as intended; and two, performing effectively for them.

If your organization is developing a provider efficiency initiative or if the methodology we’ve outlined sounds appealing, we would love to speak with you. The Wilshire Group has decades of operational expertise and Epic knowledge to not only ensure success, but help you achieve that success quickly and pave the way for continued success with happier providers.