In a health care environment where everyone is looking for efficiencies to capitalize on, Wilshire finds Revenue Cycle opportunities that often go unrecognized. For example, it is common to see coders reworking accounts in workqueue’s (WQs) because build [...]
Coding Resources – Efficiencies Readily Available!
With new CMS price transparency rules, the continued shift toward value-based reimbursement, and transition to a consumer-centric and highly digitalized healthcare experience taking center stage in 2019, we thought it would be nice to start the year off [...]
Computer Assisted Coding - Project & Change Management Success!
Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) continues to be a Coding and Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) industry hot topic, as the logical next step in resource containment and the focus on quality improvement. Today’s burning platform is to thrive in the [...]
What's more powerful than the perfect answer? A well constructed and delivered question. Questions can empower employees, guide conversations, and help discover hidden issues. There's at least one thing in common between top consultants, coaches, and [...]