Coding Resources – Efficiencies Readily Available!
In a health care environment where everyone is looking for efficiencies to capitalize on, Wilshire finds Revenue Cycle opportunities that often go unrecognized. For example, it is common to see coders reworking accounts in workqueue’s (WQs) because build [...]
Computer Assisted Coding - Project & Change Management Success!
Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) continues to be a Coding and Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) industry hot topic, as the logical next step in resource containment and the focus on quality improvement. Today’s burning platform is to thrive in the [...]
Mind the Gap: Bridging the Coder-Clinician Relationship for Gains
Here at The Wilshire Group, we take pride in bringing resources together and navigating multidisciplinary areas to achieve optimal workflow and revenue cycle results. Last week we provided some ideas around CDI (clinical documentation integrity), and [...]
A New Years’ Resolution You Can Keep…Clarity Around OPPS Impact!

Every year we make a plan to ensure our preparedness for the Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS) impact…unfortunately, daily operations and multiple intersecting priorities replace good intent! And each year January 1st quickly approaches, and [...]
A few weeks back I wrote an article about the importance of not overlooking paper in today's electronic healthcare world, while pointing out some critical considerations to take into account during a Document Management System (DMS) or Electronic Health [...]
Whether you are implementing a new Electronic Health Record (EHR), integrating your current EHR with another EHR, or installing a Document Management System (DMS) for the first time, there is something that you should not overlook: paper. Although the [...]
- Why does my medical record not contain everything that happened to me during my stay?
- Why does this version of my record not look like the previous version that you provided to my lawyer?
- Why does the record you gave me last month look completely [...]
Do you ever wonder how you could decrease your coders' workloads? Have you heard other organizations talk about simple visit coding accounts? Or do you simply wish there was a way to automatically code basic visits?