A great article about one of our customers, Harris Health System, and the great work they have been doing in the Houston community for 50 years!
Denials have always been an uphill battle. As soon as you think you have a handle on one facet of it, the payer throws another unexpected change at your organization. Regardless of how strong your reporting, staff, and approach is with denials, they [...]
“Revenue Integrity” within a healthcare system means many different things depending on who you ask, the size of the institution, and if the OIG (Office of Inspector General) has paid a visit or not.
67, 66, 65, 64 days and counting…. We are officially on the FINAL countdown to ICD-10 implementation. Health systems, providers, payors, etc., are working diligently to review that “Master Task List” we all created, what seems to be, a decade ago by now. [...]
Most organizations produce 1,000s of claims a day with hopes they’re compliant and will ensure proper reimbursement. Within those UBs/837Is are claim lines, which are primarily comprised of charging and coding data. The process responsible for creating [...]
As we continue our journey towards ICD-10 implementation on October 1, 2015, the use of combination codes brought up a discussion between myself and another CDS (Clinical Documentation Specialists). I had just read this article, and we were doing some [...]
In today’s technical world, CDI is dependent upon being able to capture the work and outcomes that are achieved by the processes and policies being followed by the staff. There are many CDI software vendors and systems on the market today. The choice is [...]
Well-defined and understood processes and policies are key to an efficient and effective CDI program
We all want to have efficient and effective Clinical Documentation Integrity programs. Well defined workflow processes are a key to achieving this goal. The time spent to do a review of current CDI program and/or map (Value Stream Mapping) out your [...]
A recent Q&A around how to review a chart by a CDI reminded me that so much has changed since 2005 when I began my adventure into the world of Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI). The move from reimbursement first and foremost to accurate [...]
DRG Mismatch: the buzz word for how well the Clinical Documentation Improvement department and the Inpatient Coding department are coming to the same conclusion on the appropriate codes applied to the medical record.